To perform an unattended installation, execute the installer with the -q command line argument. To set licensing information in that case, pass -Vjprofiler.licenseKey=[license key] -Vjprofiler.licenseName=[user name] and optionally -Vjprofiler.licenseCompany=[company name] as command line arguments. If you have a floating license, please use FLOAT:[server name or IP address] instead of the license key. A console installer mode is also available if you pass the -c command line argument.
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شرکت سازنده: ej-technologies GmbHنام انگلیسی: JProfilerشماره نسخه: v12.0.4 x86/x64نام فارسی: جی پروفایلرحجم فایل: 135 + 106 + 112 مگابایتتاریخ انتشار: 15:36 - 1400/11/17 2022.02.06منبع: پی سی دانلود / www.p30download.irامتیاز: 3.5/5 2ff7e9595c